Product Description
Specification:1kgs (can), 2kgs (can), 2kgs (refill pack) or customized
1. Business laundry detergent with super cleaning, eco-friendly and no hazard quality.
2. Effectively sterilizing clothes when doing laundry with detergent, and sterilizing laundry tubs of washing machines when use Stain Remover Powder alone.
3. Hydrogen peroxide, bleaching and color enhancement all in one, no fluorescent agent, chlorine, real purified and harmless for human body.
4. Effectively removing yellow stain, odor, stain from sauce, juice, tea, coffee, wine, chocolate, blood, color pens, etc.
5. Washing machine cleaning! (put 3 spoons of SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder and fill up the washing machine with water, stay for 24 hours, stains and odor will effectively removed)
6. Oxygen rate 14%, effectively preventing bacterial fouling of laundry tub if using SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder frequently. It is proved by SGS medical experiment to effectively
kill Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus albicans, mold, dust mites and other bacteria.
7. 100% purity without any surfactant, aromatizer, non-toxic, no pollution, 100% detergency, not only be able to bleach but also protect/enhance the color of your clothes.
- Clothes stain/odor removing, sterilization
- Washing machine cleaning/sterilization
- Helmet pads cleaning/sterilization
- Pet leashes/clothes cleaning/sterilization
- Babies and pregnant women articles cleaning/sterilization
How to use:
- Normal laundry:
1 spoon SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder each laundry, color enhancement and sterilization in one time with no more odor smell.
- Stains:
1 spoon SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder melted with hot water, add cold water and mix well, put in clothes and stay for a while, cold water should overwhelm the clothes but no need too much.
- Color enhancement:
1. For white clothes, please use hot water.
2. For colorful clothes: please add cold water to make room temperature water.
3. To avoid color transfer of the clothes caused by hot water, the clothes should be washed normally after soaking for 24 hours.
- Helmet pads & pet leashes/clothes:
May use cold water/warm water, hot water can shorten the soaking time and make the helmet pads & pet leashes/clothes clean/sterilized.
Specification:1kgs (can), 2kgs (can), 2kgs (refill pack) or customized
1. Business laundry detergent with super cleaning, eco-friendly and no hazard quality.
2. Effectively sterilizing clothes when doing laundry with detergent, and sterilizing laundry tubs of washing machines when use Stain Remover Powder alone.
3. Hydrogen peroxide, bleaching and color enhancement all in one, no fluorescent agent, chlorine, real purified and harmless for human body.
4. Effectively removing yellow stain, odor, stain from sauce, juice, tea, coffee, wine, chocolate, blood, color pens, etc.
5. Washing machine cleaning! (put 3 spoons of SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder and fill up the washing machine with water, stay for 24 hours, stains and odor will effectively removed)
6. Oxygen rate 14%, effectively preventing bacterial fouling of laundry tub if using SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder frequently. It is proved by SGS medical experiment to effectively
kill Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus albicans, mold, dust mites and other bacteria.
7. 100% purity without any surfactant, aromatizer, non-toxic, no pollution, 100% detergency, not only be able to bleach but also protect/enhance the color of your clothes.
- Clothes stain/odor removing, sterilization
- Washing machine cleaning/sterilization
- Helmet pads cleaning/sterilization
- Pet leashes/clothes cleaning/sterilization
- Babies and pregnant women articles cleaning/sterilization
How to use:
- Normal laundry:
1 spoon SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder each laundry, color enhancement and sterilization in one time with no more odor smell.
- Stains:
1 spoon SUN SIN Stain Remover Powder melted with hot water, add cold water and mix well, put in clothes and stay for a while, cold water should overwhelm the clothes but no need too much.
- Color enhancement:
1. For white clothes, please use hot water.
2. For colorful clothes: please add cold water to make room temperature water.
3. To avoid color transfer of the clothes caused by hot water, the clothes should be washed normally after soaking for 24 hours.
- Helmet pads & pet leashes/clothes:
May use cold water/warm water, hot water can shorten the soaking time and make the helmet pads & pet leashes/clothes clean/sterilized.
1. 商務用途洗滌劑,具有超強的清潔能力,環保,不含危害成分。
2. 能有效的殺菌,單獨使用去汙粉能為洗衣機內的洗衣桶進行殺菌。
3. 雙氧殺菌、漂白、增艷一次完成,不含營光劑、氯,帶給你真正淨化,對人體無害。
4. 有效去除黃漬、異味、醬油、果汁、茶、咖啡、酒、巧克力、血、彩筆等汙漬。
5. 清洗洗衣機! (將3勺三新去汙粉放入洗衣機內,放置24小時,將有效去除汙漬和異味)
6. 含氧率為14%,如果經常使用去汙粉,可有效防止洗衣槽的細菌汙染。經SGS醫學實驗證明,它能有效地消除大腸杆菌、白色葡萄球菌、黴菌、塵螨和其他細菌。
7. 100%純正,不含任何表面活性劑,芳香劑,無毒,無汙染,100%去汙能力,不僅能漂白,還能保護/提高衣服的顔色。
- 衣服去汙/除臭,殺菌
- 清洗/消毒洗衣機
- 清洗/消毒頭盔墊
- 清洗/消毒寵物用具/衣服
- 清洗/消毒嬰兒和孕婦用品
- 普通衣物:
- 汙漬:
- 顔色增強:
1. 白色衣服,請使用熱水。
2. 彩色衣服:請加入熱水溶解再加入冷水成溫水
3. 為避免熱水會造成衣服顔色轉移,衣服在浸泡24小時後應馬上洗滌。
- 頭盔墊和寵物用具/衣服。
1. 商務用途洗滌劑,具有超強的清潔能力,環保,不含危害成分。
6.酸素率は14%です。サンシン除染粉末を頻繁に使用すると、洗浄プールの細菌汚染を効果的に防ぐことができます。 SGSの医学的実験により、大腸菌、ブドウ球菌、カビ、ヒョウヒダニ、その他の細菌を効果的に除去できることが証明されています。
7. 100%純粋で、界面活性剤、香料、無毒、非汚染、100%除染能力がなく、漂白するだけでなく、衣服の色を保護/改善することもできます。